The Department of Entomology is primarily housed in the Minnie Belle and Herman F. Heep ’20 Center, built in 1977. On the Texas A&M University campus, our faculty, staff and students have additional research space in the Entomology Research Laboratory, the Biological Control Facility and the Texas A&M University Insect Collection. Just off campus, select groups of our faculty and research scientists work in the Rollins Urban and Structural Entomology Facility.
Across the state, we have faculty located at nine modern, well-equipped regional research centers located in major agricultural areas in the state that enable our students to carry out research programs.
The facilities include specialized greenhouses, walk-in and individual-temperature/photoperiod programmable chambers, federally-approved, maximum quarantine facilities, an NIH-approved P3 containment facility for virology research and equipment for a full range of biochemical, physiological, and toxicological investigations.

Minnie Belle and Herman F. Heep ’20 Center
The Department of Entomology occupies 42,000 square feet of laboratory, office, and classroom space in the Minnie Belle and Herman F. Heep ’20 Center, or the “Heep Center.”

Texas A&M University Insect Collection
The Texas A&M University Insect Collection houses more than 3.1 million curated specimens.

Rollins Urban and Structural Entomology Facility
We also are home to the Rollins Urban and Structural Entomology Facility, a 10,000-square-foot research facility that includes laboratories, a conference room, offices and training areas for our urban and structural entomology program that supports both the pest management industry and the public interests of Texas and beyond.