Your gift supports student success and ensures they have the opportunities and resources needed to excel.
Giving to the Department of Entomology
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a founding pillar of Texas A&M University, the premiere land-grant institution in Texas. Since its establishment, the College has evolved to advance agriculture in the state, address new challenges across disciplines and create solutions for the world’s most complex issues through teaching, research, Extension and service. The college is home to more than 300 faculty experts and over 7,600 students across 15 departments. We represent a community of scholars working to restore connections among people, agriculture, food, science and the economy.
Ways to Give
There are numerous ways to give through the Texas A&M Foundation that allow you to direct your gift for a specific purpose at Texas A&M University. You can support students, faculty, college programs or student activities with an endowed gift that will provide permanent support, or you can make a non-endowed “pass-through” gift to be used more immediately for a designated purpose.
Industry Partnerships and Corporate Giving
The best choice a business can make is investing in future generations. If you’re a business looking for ways to give back through time, talents, money or experiences, our development team would love to connect and help identify ways we can turn your interests into a worthwhile investment.
Department Funding Priorities
Advancing Insect Research through State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
To ensure the success and advancement of the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University, construction of a new and improved insectary is crucial. The space in the current insectary is very limited and the facility is outdated and will likely not support future advancement of the department without updating or constructing a new facility with improvements and more space for insects to be housed.
Pollinate the Next Generation of Honey Bee Scientists
With your support, we can ensure that we can provide scholarships and assistantships for students to further their education in Honey Bee Research. There is currently a shortage of available funds for graduate students pursuing this program making increased funding for these students a top priority.
Other Giving Opportunities
Entomology Department Excellence Fund
The Entomology Department Excellence Fund helps provide a lasting legacy for research, teaching and extension activities for the Department. The funding can have various uses for the Department, including new faculty startup packages, endowed scholarships, facility renovation projects, and other faculty and staff support.
For more information or to donate to this fund, please contact Carla Smith.
Entomology Student Enhancement Fund
The Entomology Student Enhancement Fund helps to build an investment portfolio that will provide both an immediate, as well as a lasting source of funds to enhance the educational experience of deserving students.
The funding is used to expand the student’s experiences regarding entomology beyond those normally provided by Department programs or individual faculty. These experiences can include participating in or speaking at conferences or workshops, conducting exploratory research, participating in committees or outreach programs, and other educational enhancement activities.
Funds are awarded to eligible undergraduates or graduates seeking a degree from the Department of Entomology.
Forensic and Investigative Sciences Enhancement Endowment
The Forensic and Investigative Sciences Enhancement Endowment was established to help preserve quality education for prospective and current students wishing to enroll in the Forensic and Investigative Sciences Program at Texas A&M University.
Your donation will go towards supporting the teaching, research and educational outreach activities that the Department does throughout the academic year with the Forensic and Investigative Sciences program such as student scholarships, faculty and staff awards, classroom and curriculum support, and distance learning.
Online gifts to the Forensic and Investigative Sciences Enhancement Endowment can be made through the Texas A&M Foundation. To discuss this opportunity and others, please contact Carla Smith.
Insect Collection Endowment
Your continuing support will help fund the ongoing operations for the Texas A&M University Insect Collection, one of the top 10 university based insect collections in the nation.
The collection serves Texans as an archive for historically significant specimens (some are more than 100 years old), and is an important teaching and research tool for undergraduate and graduate studies in insect biodiversity. Many undergraduate entomology students work as part-time curatorial assistants in the collection, a truly unique learning experience!

Preparing Leaders of Tomorrow
“The program really aligned perfectly for me. The forensic program provided a path that differentiates me from the majority of pre-med students. The challenging coursework, the faculty and the internship all helped me put together an undergraduate record that helped make me unique.”
Andrew Chapman ’21
B.S. Forensic and Investigative Sciences

Preparing Leaders of Tomorrow
“The program really aligned perfectly for me. The forensic program provided a path that differentiates me from the majority of pre-med students. The challenging coursework, the faculty and the internship all helped me put together an undergraduate record that helped make me unique.”
Andrew Chapman ’21
B.S. Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Your Gifts in Action

Department News
A family legacy of sustainability, education
Texas A&M University often shapes the interests and passions of not just the individual, but entire families. In the case of the Ray Frisbie family, with the university’s help, they are creating a legacy as diverse as the passions they share.

Department News
Creating a pipeline for public health entomologists
Over the past five years, Texas A&M’s Department of Entomology’s Western Gulf Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases has built an interdisciplinary curriculum designed to prepare the next generation of entomologists in vector biology and vector-borne disease response.

Department News
Pollinating the next generation of new honeybee scientists
Alex Payne ‘21 shares the personal impact of honey bee research, motivation, academic opportunities Texas A&M University afforded her .
Learn About the Texas A&M Foundation
The Texas A&M Foundation builds a brighter future for Texas A&M University, one relationship at a time.
As a nonprofit and the primary academic fundraising institution for Texas A&M, we aspire to be among the most trusted philanthropies in higher education. Our team works with former students, corporations and other Texas A&M supporters to match their charitable interests with the university’s priorities. Gifts create scholarships, advance faculty endeavors, enhance student programs and fund campus construction, greatly enhancing Texas A&M’s mission to provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs and develop new understandings through research and creativity.
Contact Our Development Team
Our development officers are determined to help you invest in causes you care about. Whether you are considering making your first gift or are already a longtime donor, we’re excited to work with you!