Zach Adelman
- Professor
Endowed Chair of Agricultural BiotechnologyTexas A&M AgriLife Research FellowTexas A&M Presidential Impact Fellow - Office:
- HPCT 329A
College Station - Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- (979) 321-5781
- Website: https://zachadelmanlab.entomology.tamu.edu/
- Undergraduate Education
- B.A. Biochemistry, Ithaca College
- Graduate Education
- Ph.D. Microbiology, Colorado State University
Areas of Expertise
- Vector biology
- Gene editing
- Gene drive
- Biotechnoloty
- Genomics
- Insect Physiology
Professional Summary
Zach N. Adelman, Ph.D, is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Presidential Impact Fellow in the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University. A major focus of his research is on the development of novel gene editing/gene replacement approaches for disease vector mosquitoes as well as robust safeguards for their potential use. Adelman has served as author or co-author on more than 75 peer-reviewed publications, including several recent papers on the handling, containment, and regulation of gene drive-containing arthropods, and served as editor of a book published in 2015 entitled “Genetic Control of Malaria and Dengue”. Adelman served as a member of his institution’s IBC for 7 years, including 4 years as chair, and since 2016 has served on a Federal Advisory Committee that advises the NIH Director on issues of Biotechnology. Dr. Adelman’s research program has been continually funded by NIH since 2007.