Garett Slater
- Assistant Professor
Extension Entomologist - Office:
- Overton
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 701-928-0418
- Website: https://masterbeekeeper.tamu.edu/
- Undergraduate Education
- B.S. North Dakota State University
- Graduate Education
- M.S. North Dakota State University
- Ph.D. Purdue University
Areas of Expertise
- Honeybee Breeding and Genetics
- Intergrated Pest Management
- Extension and Education
Professional Summary
Garett Slater, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor and Apiculture Extension Entomologist at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension in Overton, TX. He leads the statewide Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Apiary Program and supervises the activities of three honey bee program specialists in Dallas, Angleton, and San Antonio. As the Honey Bee Extension Specialist at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, his primary role is to deliver extension services and applied research tailored to the needs of beekeepers, promoting sustainable practices and economic development of beekeepers. This includes communication and involvement with beekeepers via webinars and presentations, specialized courses, and articles. The topics of these communications ranged broadly, including fundamental scientific concepts and practical areas of interest. Additionally, he manages the Texas Master Beekeeper Program, which offers training modules for beekeepers across Texas. His one interest in extension and applied research focuses on honey bee breeding and genetics, which are key components of sustainable integrated pest management and honey bee population health. Presently, he is leading a study to develop modern breeding tools with the aim of helping breeders enhance the health and survival of honey bee colonies. This work is dependent on a collaborative group of Texas queen breeders, that produce 30% of US queens. Twitter: Slates03 LinkedIn: Garett Slater